We announce the opening of no.1 occasional job position for an expert in bioacoustics.
The work will be carried out as part of the "DEPREDATION-3: Monitoring activities and mitigation measures for the reduction of dolphin depredation in small-scale fisheries - Western Ionian Sea (GSA 19)" project led by the Marecamp Association, in collaboration with ACCOBAMS (Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area), and funded by the GFCM (General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean) of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).
- Proficiency in bioacoustics analysis techniques
- Experience working using F-PODs and hydrophones
- Strong understanding and identification capability of cetacean vocalizations
- Responsibility and autonomy to ensure the achievement of the project outputs, respecting tasks and deadlines
- Ability to work in an international team
- Easy and efficient interaction, collaboration, and sharing
- Fluent written and spoken English
Under the supervision and responsibility of the Scientific Director of Marecamp, the selected expert will be responsible for bioacoustics data collection and analysis of the Depredation-3 project:
- Preliminary setup of protocol and monitoring sheets for bioacoustics
- Coordination of bioacoustics data collection made with F-PODs and hydrophones
- Data analysis of recordings from hydrophone and PODs, including comparison of data collected with both types of devices at the same time
- Identify and interpret vocalizations of cetaceans
- Collaborate with the research team to draw insights from the data
- Producing results supported by graphics and statical analysis
- Drafting and presenting documents as reports based on findings
- Participation in meetings concerning the project
The bioacoustics expert will participate in the project actions dedicated to monitoring and mitigation. In particular, the expert will be responsible for the use of PODs and hydrophones to collect and analyze data on cetacean vocalizations and the general soundscape of the study area. One of the mitigation actions involves the implementation of an Acoustic Alert System on the presence of dolphins, for which it is necessary to acquire an important amount of data, especially concerning dolphin vocalizations, including clicks, bursts, and others related to the feeding in net behavior. The expert will have to carry out all the necessary acoustic and statistical analyses of the audio DBs and produce detailed reports on the results of the experimentation.
About 85 days of work are expected, distributed between May 2024 and January 2025, with greater commitment in the preparatory phase of the work, and in the analysis phases linked to the delivery of the project reports. Depending on the candidate's experience, the remuneration varies between 50 USD and 100 USD gross per day. Fixed-term or occasional contracts or in the form of a service may be stipulated. The work could be carried out from home. In case of special needs, a limited number of missions in the field is foreseen.
Interested applicants should write to the Marecamp Secretariat (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.) writing in the object “Bioacoustics Depredation-3 [your name and surname]” and attaching a cover letter and a detailed CV by May 15th, 2024.